Latest News
Centering Proximity
This report sheds light on five key shifts giving platforms can consider to better serve local, grassroots, and proximate organizations and leaders. Come listen to the voices and insights of 30 changemakers from across the country with a powerful vision for how we can transform charitable giving.
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Other News
A CoLab Sprint seeks to solve systemic problems by facilitating collaboration and co-creation among a diverse group of experts in a wide variety of fields. Here’s a behind the scenes look at our fall series, which took on Equitable Curation and Hyperlocal Volunteering.

December 2021
The Champion Cohort: A New Kind of Advisor
The BGS Champion Cohort was an advisory experiment involving a group of experts and thought leaders in the charitable giving space. We wanted this group to guide our work, push our thinking, and keep us honest, so we invited people with many different backgrounds, knowledge sets and perspectives on giving and the giving landscape.

November 2021
Sprinting Towards Innovation
Please join us in celebrating our new Better Giving Studio pilots!

The Better Giving Studio exists to support the giving ecosystem by sharing innovative and inclusive solutions to help everyday donors give more and give well. We share and translate donor behavior research, spotlight innovative ideas, and support product development in collaboration with charitable giving platforms. Which…

September 2021
How CoLab Sprints Bring Ideas to Life
So how exactly does the Better Giving Studio accelerate the innovation of digital products that help people give more and give better? Here’s a peek under the hood... After a year of experimentation, we took things to the next level: the CoLab sprint.

Behind the Refinement Sprint that explored the promising giving potential of multi-sided marketplaces like Etsy, Airbnb, and Society6.

April 2021
How One Idea “Rounds Up” To Three Concepts
IDEO designers partnered with behavioral economic experts from ideas42 for a Refinement Sprint that cracked open new opportunities for partnerships.

April 2021
The 2021 Greater Giving Summit
In 2021, the Giving By All team hosted a four-part virtual event which took place once monthly from February to May. The summit brought together 200+ leaders from around the world who work to improve charitable giving by everyday donors.

In September, we launched the Reimagine Charitable Giving Challenge, an open source innovation Challenge to identify promising concepts in the digital giving space. The 6-week open call is part of Better Giving Studio’s effort to experiment with various methodologies for sourcing and supporting innovations focused on the everyday giver.

Giving Multiplier was a finalist in the most recent Better Giving Studio OpenIDEO challenge. In this LA Times Op-Ed, two of the founders of Giving Multiplier -- Lucius Caviola and Joshua Greene -- break down some of the reasons that charitable giving isn't more evidence-based, and how digital products like Giving Multiplier are working to overcome this challenge.

February 2021
Dive into the Evidence
The Better Giving Studio aims to bridge the gap between research and real world innovation by getting better products into the hands of everyday givers. Contained in this post are evidence citations that support the concepts on this site.